Beth and Beauty’s Funday Friday Comments Tag! 04112014

Beth and Beauty's Funday Friday Comments Tag 04/11/2014

Hi! Beauties! It’s Beth and Beauty’s Funday Friday Comments Tag time!!!! In case you missed it last week, I have started doing this Funday Friday Comments Tag to not only give my readers/subscribers a chance to learn more about me, but for me to also communicate and learn more about my readers/subscribers through my blogs comment section. Here is how it works, on this post, I am going to have 10 questions and I would like anyone who reads this post to answer at least one of them in my comment section and in return I will reply and give you my answer to the same question. I will answer a question multiple times if need be or if you have a question for me that I don’t have on this post, go ahead and ask me your question. I am so hoping you enjoy and participate in this tag.  I also would like for any of my fellow bloggers to consider themselves tagged to do this on your blog.  The questions are a mixture of beauty, fashion, home decor and even some personal ones. So let’s get this Funday Friday Comment Tag started!

  1. Do you wash your hair everyday?
  2. Do you like body wash or bar soap?
  3. Is there anything you feel like you have failed at?
  4. What is your favorite brand of blush?
  5. Which do you hang on your wall—-Butterfly or Landscape picture?
  6. Once I had a broken ________ bone?
  7. What is your favorite foundation primer?
  8. What is something you would like to wear (fashion wise), but have never wore it?
  9. Do you think applying a moisturizer to your face in the morning time is necessary?
  10. Any vacation ideas for this summer?


Okay, like I said  last week for this tag to work, please choose your question and leave the answer below and I will reply with my answer to same question. I want to thank everyone that participated last week, I really had fun and I hope you did too. Let’s make this weeks Beth and Beauty’s Funday Friday Comments Tag even bigger and more fun.

kiss lips goodbye