Beth and Beauty’s mini Mary Kay Haul & New Holy Grail Mascara!

Beth and Beauty's mini Mary Kay Haul

Hi! Beauties! Today I am going to share with you my mini Mary Kay haul. I had been watching a you tube video channel WhatWouldLizzyDo who kept saying how much she loved the Mary Kay’s waterproof Lash Love mascara on several of her videos. I also have a sweet friend that I have known since high school, that I have got reacquainted with through Facebook that I knew also sold Mary Kay. She doesn’t live close to me so I ordered the mascara through her Mary Kay online account Along with my “New Holy Grail Mascara” I received 2 free deluxe samples with free shipping since it was my first order. One of the deluxe samples was Mary Kay’s Satin Hands frangrance-free hand cream. I love this hand cream. It has really helped my dry hands so much. The other deluxe sample was the Extra Emollient Night Cream. I would love to say I loved it, but for my normal/combo skin type it was just too rich of a formula for my face. I believe for someone who suffers from dry facial skin would so love this night cream. It only takes a small amount for your whole face. Let me show you a picture below of the star of this blog post.

Beth and Beauty's New Holy Grail Mascara from Mary Kay

I absolutely love this Mary Kay waterproof Lash Love mascara in black ($15). I can honestly say it has replaced my Benefit They’re Real mascara($20). This mascara does not clump, it helps separate your eyelashes and it adds volume. The above picture of my eye is 2 coats of this mascara, notice no clumps and no smudges. It stays on all day long and looks the same as when you first applied it. It does not transfer onto your eyelid nor under your bottom lashes. It removes very easily with my L’Oreal Artiste waterproof eye makeup remover. You can see my latest makeup removal routine here.

Thank you so much for joining Beth and Beauty today. I will have to confess these are the first Mary Kay products I have tried. I can tell you they won’t be the last ones either.  Please feel free to leave any tips, suggestions or questions in my comment section. I read and reply to all of them. I hope you enjoyed your visit to Beth and Beauty and you have decided to stay awhile by subscribing by email, BlogLovin, or Google+. We can also connect through any of my social media outlets. Just click on the corresponding social media icon. I am just a click away.

Have you ever tried any Mary Kay products, if so, which ones?

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