I hope you will enjoy this weeks plan with me video! I am loving using my Cricut Explore to make my own planner layouts. I also use stickers from shopping trips from Dollar Tree, Walmart, Hobby Lobby, Michaels…etc…
There are 22 of us in this collaboration. Their links to their youtube videos are in the description box of my video!!
I decided to share with you my complete Plan With Me youtube video playlist. Myself and two other youtube channels started this collaboration and now we have 22 members. I don’t know if you have heard of or seen any plan with me videos, but I love decorating my weekly planner along with watching others decorating theirs.
Decorating my planner every week not only relaxes me, it give me goals to meet. I have found I get more done when I have a planner I can mark stuff off as I do them…In this group of planners there are all levels of experience…many different types of planners are used…we have some very talented artist in this group! Most all of the planners this collaboration uses can be found on Amazon, Hobby Lobby, Michael’s, Target…etc.
I hope you enjoy this playlist as much as I have enjoyed filming and creating it!